Follow these step-by-step instructions to rebook a trip from the main page.
- Book Again
In order to access the BOOK AGAIN button, you will need to open the member's itinerary card from the main page. To do this click on the member's itinerary card that you would like to book again. Once that is open click the button BOOK AGAIN. - Appointment Details
In this step, enter itinerary details such as appointment date, appointment time, and booking facility details. There is also the ability to set the pickup on request instead of a scheduled time. Once complete, click REVIEW TRIP. - Trip Details
In this step, you get a chance to review all trip details before submitting it. Once confirmed, click REQUEST TRIP. - Booking Confirmation
Once booked a Confirmation Number will be provided and you can create a new booking from the BOOK ANOTHER TRIP button or head back to the main page using the TRIP LIST button. Note: It could take a few minutes for the new booking to appear on your trip list.